OKC Fairgrounds New Coliseum

The Jim Norick Arena has served Oklahoma City well, hosting 55 years of state basketball tournaments, countless concerts, and the world’s most prestegious equestrian events.

The current arena arena and fairgrounds play a key role in our city’s economic development, drawing visitors from every corner of our state and around the globe.

However, the building is rapidly nearing the end of its useful life.

To ensure the OKC Fairgrounds remain home to economically and emotionally vital events, it is time to build a state-of-the-art coliseum to replace the Jim Norick Arena. We are proud to be one of the 16 MAPS 4 projects, in fact the first one to be released. 

A brand-new coliseum will improve the annual Great State Fair of Oklahoma, create new dreams for Oklahoma athletes and ensure Oklahoma City remains the “Horse Show Capital of the World.”

 It’s time to create new memories in a modern, first-class building.

Economic Impact

The OKC Fairgrounds – including the Jim Norick Arena – is a major economic driver in Oklahoma City. How important? The OKC Fairgrounds generates more economic impact than all other City of Oklahoma City owned entertainment venues combined.

An economic study found:

  • 1.1 million – Annual visitors to the Jim Norick Arena
  • $211.5 million – Direct spending by visitors
  • 10% – Expected increase in direct spending with a new coliseum
  • $408 million – Expected total economic annual impact of a new facility
  • 370 – New jobs a new coliseum will create

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t we save the Jim Norick Arena?

The average lifecycle for a public event facility is 30 to 40 years. The coliseum has already lasted much longer than expected, and it will only get more expensive and nearly impossible to maintain. Oklahoma City and its visitors deserve a first-class experience in a modern coliseum.

What will the new coliseum be like?

Plans call for a modern coliseum with numerous seating configurations for a variety of events along with premium amenities such as a lounge, suites, a full-service restaurant, and several upscale concession areas. The new coliseum will provide a first-class experience for all events.

What’s the timeline for this project?

Construction on the new Coliseum began in January of 2023 with an anticipated completion in mid 2025.

Where will events be held during construction?

The Jim Norick Arena will remain open during construction of a new coliseum. When the new facility opens, we will say a fond farewell to the Norick. A connector will be built in its place.