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Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition


The Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition (OSAE) is a juried art show open to all Oklahoma students grades Pre-K through 12. Participating schools submit student artwork and distinguished jurors examine each piece entered in the competition. Hundreds of pieces are judged in May and exhibited during the Oklahoma State Fair in September.

In the past, $3,400 in Hobby Lobby Gift Cards was awarded to the winning schools art programs. Several years ago, an additional $3,900 in cash was added for a total of $7,300 in awards.

OSAE is FREE to enter and a great way to showcase student artwork. In addition to the 20 entries each school may enter, we accept an additional five entries for developmentally challenged students and one Ribbon Recycle Challenge piece from each school.

Regional Take-In & Judging Sites

Teachers in other parts of the state no longer need to make three trips to Oklahoma City for their students participating in the OSAE. In addition to Oklahoma City, take-in and judging are now available in Ada, Duncan, Enid and Tulsa. Every county in Oklahoma is assigned to one of the five district sites. See the OSAE Competition Guide for more information. 

Online Registration Information

2023 OSAE Competition Guide

Registration for the Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition will open in early spring 2024. Check back for an updated application link. 

The first 10 schools to register each year receive a $100 Hobby Lobby Gift Card, which will be presented at the OSAE Awards Ceremony during the Oklahoma State Fair.

Ribbon Recycle Challenge - Sponsored by Wade Shows

Each year, the Oklahoma State Fair awards hundreds of ribbons to winning competitors. Inevitably, there are left over ribbons. Rather than allow these ribbons to go to waste, the Ribbon Recycle Challenge program was created as an optional component of OSAE. Participating schools receive a packet of at least 200 surplus ribbons to create unique works of art while practicing the principle of “reduce, reuse, recycle.” All schools participating in OSAE are invited to participate in the Ribbon Recycle Challenge. This year, a total of $950 in cash and gift cards will be awarded, courtesy of Wade Shows, the carnival provider for the Oklahoma State Fair.

2022 Ribbon Recycle Challenge Guidelines

2022 OSAE Awards and Results

To those who participated, taught their students, transported art or just encouraged your artist, thank you from the Oklahoma State Fair. Without you, this program would not be a success!

2022 OSAE Awards Publication

Traveling Exhibit

The Oklahoma State Fair is excited to announce that the 10 Special Award pieces will be on display at several prominent art galleries throughout the state. Please check back later for location details.
