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AGtropolis is not a petting zoo – it is an agricultural education adventure!  AGtropolis presents Oklahoma’s rich agricultural industry in a kid-friendly environment, allowing children a first-hand look at the farm-to-market process. With animals, exhibits and demonstrations around every corner, AGtropolis is one of the most visited destinations at the State Fair!


Demonstrations, Information & Education

There will be daily demonstrations including honey extraction, soap making, live milk production and interactive kiosks provided by Southwest Dairy and more. The Insect Adventure is back with expert entomologists from OSU who will be on hand throughout the State Fair to give you the best in insect education. 


Thanks to the Oklahoma FFA Chapters assisting with AGtropolis!

Oklahoma High School FFA Chapters assist as ambassadors and caretakers in AGtropolis. We could not provide this wonderful agricultural learning experience without the dedication and expertise of the FFA students. They will be happy to share their knowledge and experiences with you as they guide you through AGtropolis.


FFA Leaders

If you would like to reserve a shift for your students during the Oklahoma State Fair, please email Marc Pankow.


Exhibits and Displays

With more than 78,000 ranches across the state, it’s not surprising that beef is tops in Oklahoma agriculture. On display this year, brought to us by the Oklahoma State University Extension Service, will be a faux-representative of the beef industry: the Hereford Dystocia Simulator – a cow that will exhibit the miracle and mechanics of a calf birth. You can compare the depicted bovine with a sign indicating where a succulent steak or most excellent hamburger would be derived from. Where’s Your Beef? 

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? AGtropolis features a lovely live chicken exhibit – where you can watch a variety of colorful, mature chickens intermingle, eat and roost. Then visit the hatcheries and incubators to see the initial stages of egg hatching and growth. You will be amazed at the process!

The Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association oversees the Barnyard Birthing Center and makes sure that the sows and goats are comfortable as they prepare to birth their offspring, scheduled to be born during the Fair. You may get to witness a live birth – or at least some darling, brand-new baby farm critters. 

So many other animals, displays, and exhibits to visit in AGtropolis!  Take time to visit Goat Mountain, The Rabbit Hutch, the Cinema with entertaining and educational videos, and the ultimate farming experience for youngsters: Farmer for A Day! We are grateful to the animal providers and professionals in these agricultural industries that can help you learn the importance of farming and where many of your meals may come from.